Take Responsibility Parents and Children

That Show on My 1043

Take Responsibility Parents and Children

The number of deaths that occur while texting surpassed the drunk driving annual death total. Both texting and drunk driving have the same implications, which is being distracted while driving. Parents need to sit down and talk to their kids about both issues. There is no reason why parents cannot explain to their kids the potential risks of participating in these dangers.

Although parents may explain the issues of the dangers for the texting while driving. Teens, you need to take responsibility while driving. Any text can wait, I guarantee it is not worth your life just to send a message. If texting overrides driver’s responsibility then their license needs to be shredded. Putting others in danger for a lack of responsibility is not fair to anyone. Imagine you veering off into traffic from texting and you kill someone. You live and they die…you have to live with that on…

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